



原 產 地 :美國

習 性


繁殖方式 胎生


體 形

頭 部:橢圓形

耳 朵 :大小適中,尖呈圓弧形

眼 睛 :大而圓,眼角稍吊,閃閃發出金光

鼻 子: 長短適中

下 巴 :嘴部為方形,下巴發育良好

四 肢: 四肢長度中等

足 掌: 腳爪大而圓

尾 巴 :長度適中

披 毛: 短,緊密,均勻。手感粗糙。微卷,末端構型,髭毛和耳內毛髮也是捲曲的。除了巧克力色,淡紫色和重點色,所有的顏色都是可以接受的

毛 色

有多種顏色和花式 美國硬毛貓的最大特點是類似於獵犬的剛毛,毛質強硬而有彈性。毛分兩層,下層毛一根一根緊縮,毛前端的1/3捲曲,就像燙過的頭髮一樣;上層的保護毛也是如此,並且毛很硬。毛色有黑色、白色、斑紋等。美國硬毛貓從中型到大型均有,體形健美,苗條而健壯,肌肉極為發達。

允許雜交的品種:美國短毛貓和英國短毛貓 可接受的顏色如下







頭部(包括大小和形狀的眼睛, 耳的形狀) 25 分

類型(包括形狀,大小,骨和尾部的長度) 20 分

被毛 45 分

顏色和眼睛 10分


Breed Profile: American Wirehair

The American Wirehair breed is uniquely American. It began as a spontaneous mutation in a litter of upstate New York farm cats in 1966. A spontaneous mutation is an uncommon, although not rare, happening. As it has occurred among cats in the past, two ordinary cats came together and as a result of their mating, a kitten unlike its parents or littermates was born. The progeny of the original mutation, Council Rock Farm Adams of Hi-Fi, are now in all areas of the United States. What is interesting and unusual about this particular mutation is that it has not been reported in any other country thus far.

The coat is the characteristic that separates the American Wirehair from all other breeds. Just as there is a wide variety of texture in Persians or Exotics, there is also considerable variation among the Wirehairs. As this is a dominant mutation, approximately half of the kittens will be wirehaired at birth. The most readily apparent wiring is that of the whiskers and ideally, the entire coat will be wired at birth. If the coat appears to be ringlets, it may be too long and may wave or straighten with maturity. Some of the lightly wired coats may continue to crimp during the early life of the Wirehair. The degree of coarseness depends upon the coat texture of the sire and dam. To produce the best wiring, both parents must have a hard coat.

It was felt, at first, that since this mutation had occurred in the domestic American cat, the standard for it should conform to that of the American Shorthair. However, there were unique Wirehair qualities besides the coat that kept cropping up in each litter, and were worth keeping. In addition, breeders felt that this special cat should remain so, to some extent in conformation, as well as coat. Wirehairs were first accepted for CFA registration in 1967 and for championship competition in 1978.

Breeders find them easy to care for, resistant to disease, and good producers. Pet owners delight with their quiet, reserved and loving ways.

Pricing on American Wirehairs usually depends on type, applicable markings and bloodlines distinguished by Grand Champion (GC), National or Regional winning parentage (NW or RW) or of Distinguished Merit parentage (DM). The DM title is achieved by the dam (mother) having produced five CFA grand champion/premier or DM offspring, or sire (father) having produced fifteen CFA grand champion/premier (alter) or DM offspring.

Usually breeders make kittens available between twelve and sixteen weeks of age. After twelve weeks, kittens have had their basic inoculations and developed the physical and social stability needed for a new environment, showing, or being transported by air. Keeping such a rare treasure indoors, neutering or spaying and providing acceptable surfaces (e.g. scratching posts) for the natural behavior of scratching (CFA disapproves of declawing or tendonectomy surgery) are essential elements for maintaining a healthy, long and joyful life.

There are CFA clubs devoted to the promotion, protection and preservation of the American Wirehair breed. For more information, please send inquiries to CFA, PO Box 1005, Manasquan NJ 08736-0805.